
Adding another Product to our portfolio are ROUNDS (Dowel Bars) developed specially to cater to the needs of Infrastructure Projects. They are being developed with as per IS 432 Grade 1 upto 40 MM

Dowel bars are steel bars that provide a mechanical connection between slabs without restricting horizontal joint movement. They increase load transfer efficiency by allowing the leave slab to assume some of the load before the load is actually over it. This reduces joint deflection and stress in the approach and leave slabs.

Usage of High Quality Dowel Bar

  • Suitable for making various strong cutting tool abrasion resistance, impact resistance.
  • Used to produce all kinds of high hard and super hard saw blade, drill, tap, broach, gear hob and various kinds of milling cutter.
  • Used for advanced punching die, screw die, and the toughness and complicated shape of the punch, etc.
  • Recommended watchcase factory, screw factory and other cold stamping products industry use.
  • Is used for cold forging die and drawing mode, etc.